It's Time to Move Closer to an Elderly Loved One

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How to Know It's Time to Move Closer to an Elderly Loved One


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If you have elderly parents or grandparents, it's important to keep an eye on them and ensure they are maintaining a positive quality of life. As they get older, they may have trouble living independently and require additional support. At this point, you may want to move to be closer to them. Find out how to tell it's time to make the transition below.


Recognizing the signs that your loved one could use more support


As people age, they tend to lose physical strength, balance, and coordination. This can make everyday tasks like lawn care, housekeeping, and cooking more challenging. Common signs that an aging loved one requires assistance include a home that isn't well-kept, poor personal hygiene, and a disorganized garden. You may additionally notice issues like piles of dishes or undone laundry.


Tasks surrounding meal preparation like food shopping and cooking can also become taxing, resulting in them keeping expired groceries in the home. There are also emotional and mental signs to watch out for. Elderly people may become increasingly forgetful, failing to maintain their medication schedule or missing important appointments.


Determining the best living arrangement for your loved one


If you notice the above signs, it's time to give your elderly loved one a hand. Before making major living changes, consider what level of support they could use. Is it enough for you to move nearby or do they need the 24/7 care of a nursing home facility? Shield Healthcare provides a list of signs that a nursing home may be needed, such as having a history of medical emergencies or problems with basic personal care.


If a nursing home isn't necessary, you may opt to simply move nearby your parent or grandparent so you can lend a helping hand when needed. In this case, a real estate professional like Pearson Smith Realty in northern Virginia can help. To streamline your house hunt, make a list of what traits you want in a property, from the size to the location.


Making the move to be nearby


If you aren't ready to commit to buying a house, you might consider renting instead. You can always purchase a house later. Before you move, do your research in the area. ApartmentGuide provides listings based on location filters. So, if you're looking in Alexandria, VA, you can search based on factors like the neighborhood (Del Ray, Potomac Yard, etc.) as well as size, amenities, and more.


In addition to finding an apartment or house to live in, there are a few other steps you can take to expedite the moving process. provides a comprehensive checklist, covering everything from how to pack to what utilities to set up. There are also administrative elements to consider, like changing your vehicle registration with the local DMV.


Finding ways to support your loved one after the move


Once you settle into your new place, you'll be able to spend more time with your loved one. This will make it easier to determine what type of support they can benefit from on a day-to-day basis. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to do it all yourself. For example, you can use meal prep services to ensure your loved one is getting nutritious food every day.


You might also consider hiring help for tasks like housekeeping and lawn care. Driving can be another area where external services can help. If you have to work, you aren't necessarily always available to bring your parent or grandparent to and from appointments. Luckily, there are a number of affordable senior transportation services to help, from GoGoGrandparent to Lyft.


You want to do all you can to ensure your senior loved one is maintaining a high standard of life. In some cases, that may mean moving closer to them. The above guide can help you determine when this is necessary and how to go about it.


Want to learn more about finding the perfect housing for your family's needs? Visit the Pearson Smith Realty blog.